Painting a concrete driveway offers homeowners an easy, practical, and versatile way of giving a new lease on life to an old, ugly, cracked driveway. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on ripping up the driveway and laying an entirely new one. All you need is expertise, a budget, and a little creativity to create the driveway of your dreams. Using a professional, qualified painting company like Elite Painting, will help make the driveway painting process a smooth and easy one with a new floor coating for your driveway.
First things first, preparation is key. Any painting contractor worth their salt will follow these preparation steps before beginning to paint your driveway. Make sure you ask the contractors you choose to use if they follow these prep steps:
- Clean and prime the driveway first
- Mask edges and mark out the patterns required (if at all)
- Use high quality paint and the correct quality brushes
Decorative Ideas for painting your driveway
Updating and painting your driveway is meant to dazzle and not distract. The intention of a driveway update is to enhance the curb appeal of your home and pretty-up an unsightly, old driveway. Make sure that the colour and decoration choice you make is in keeping with the style of your home and that it enhances its beauty. Here are some decorative ideas which are popular at the moment:
- The plain look – most commonly used is a plain grey colour painted uniformly across the entire driveway. This is a great option as its simple and versatile, and won’t age.
- The tiled look – using marked out sections and different colours, a concrete driveway can be made to look like a tiled floor.
- The brick look – as with the tiled look, using marked out sections and different colours, a brick effect can be created.
- The stone look – again using marked out areas and different colours, an uneven, non-uniform stone look can be created.
Some tips to remember when deciding which decorative option to go with for your driveway:
- Choose a colour that compliments the colour of your home and its style.
- Choose a pattern that will enhance the appeal of your home, not distract from it.
- Choose a professional company that has creative, qualified painters that will consult with you and do quality work.
For more information on ideas for painting your concrete driveway call Elite Painting today.