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5 Benefits for Hiring Professional Painting Contractor Services

10/04/2020 By Mike Cotterill
5 Year Workmanship Warranty

We all have skills and expertise in different areas.  Tasks that we are good at are generally ones we can do with ease, low levels of stress, and may get compliments from friends and family such as “wow, that is amazing”.

Similarly, sometimes we want to “try” our hand at other skills and the learning curve can be both costly and time consuming.  

Painting the house can be one of those skills where it might be better to hire a professional painting contractor.

Here’s five ways that you can benefit from professional painting contractor services:

  • You want to add value to your home

Anyone can paint.  But when it comes to thinking about selling your house, or getting a valuation done, a professional paint will help you to achieve outstanding results that show quality workmanship and add value to your home.

  • You want a look and feel that suits the goal for your home

Sure, you might want to paint one room bright pink, another room lime green and have your bright personality shine on all the walls.   If you are selling your home, or your home is a period home, a professional painting contractor will be able to talk to you about options for your walls, that take into consideration your personality and trends. The bright pink may still be possible, but they will help you with options.

They will be able to bring their expertise in to help you understand which colors will make a room appear larger, how each room flows from one to another, and achieve your goals.

  • They know how to make the workzone safe

If you are painting ceilings or walls that extend to a mezzanine level, you may not have all the safety equipment required to complete the work.

Same goes if you are painting in  a small space, you may require extractor fans to assist with ventilation.   All of this equipment can blow out your painting costs, whereas its part of the tools of the trade for a professional painting contractor.

  • Professional painting contractors can detect problems

Not only do they know how to paint a wall, they know how to treat walls that might have problems such as mold or decay.  These types of problems will require a different type of paint treatment to help seal off any moisture and prevent structural issues from occurring.

  • They have insurance

You may want to check with your own insurance companies about whether you are covered for DIY mishaps involving paint.  This doesn’t just relate to spillage of paint on your expensive rug, but also what if you are working from a ladder and have a fall?

It’s not just the personal injury that can set you back, but also the impact to your normal work.

This is something you can breathe easily with when you hire a professional to paint your space.  Contractors have insurances in place for the possibilities of mishaps that may happen.   

To find out more about how one of the professional painters on our team can help you, simply click here to learn about our range of residential and commercial services.